Saturday, August 9, 2008

missing friday found on the road side

The butcher boy proved that words r’nt needed to pass on a message, or was it that I felt like that and my inner voice whispered like the guy on the mirror? it cud have been the other me asking that quwstion at the funeral,,he is makin me insane.

Friday 8th Aug AUH ,that one day of the week that was missing in my calendar for a long time and I happened to bump on to It today,11 am I felt that I had my head run over by some two wheeler ,should have been a dream ,opened my eye but it was kind of dark then I heard a wild cry ,it was Sohail my nephew he had slipped off from his bunk bed his bum on my face . 8.30 pm that’s when I got out of the house, had a fag walked a while and there stood this minivan being stuffed with a load of beautiful dames, some night club dancers .I stood there for a while, reason is obvious, good looking gals but after a few min’s I was struck by a few thoughts, who are all these? What has forced them to be where they are now? It could be that fraction of second incident that could have been the reason .they have their families ,father ,mother sisters and brothers or may be there could be one among them missing and that could be the reason or may be the men in their lifes.anyways they know better ,but still what’s going on in their minds? Am quite curious.

1 comment:

Jish said...

u ain't worried abt whats going on in ur mind, and u r worrying abt whats goin on in their minds? :))

so is the flashback over? so as a conclusion, can i say that parts of your holiday was fantabulous?