Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ohhhhhh pablo

Long time ago ,some time during the mid 80’s i happened to meet this one day old gal ,a small tiny puny fairy ,did not know from where she came from but there she was .i slid my small fingers on to her palm ,she grabbed it hard and i like a fool started jumping thinking that she grabbed it just cuz it was me .She grew, she turned out to be my lively toy to play around and fool around. she flew off abruptly only to come back fed with a few word in her brain ,went round and round askin me to marry her .i just moved off cuz i hated the idea .slowly she became some kind of an allergy for me ,she was not to blamed ,i knew but i need to run .and so i ran ......the last time i did talk with her ,and when the mid 80’s passed off to mid 90’s and then to the 2k’s slowly i felt that i was being so unfair to her and i apologized by writing in a few lines for her ,as usual am not much of a talker but a better paper ,pen man. she kept on supplying the pens and papers and so i wrote and she wrote and at last she wrote and suggested that we fall in to that adam ,eve’s feelings( i for you and you for me) ,and i knew from Pablo Neruda that love is short but then forgetting is too long, well then one fine dark night she suggested that i should start forgetting so that may be some day i shall forget ...........ohhhh pablo ,pablo..........u surely were heart broken when you wrote that poem .wish i could i say and you could hear me say “love is short but then death is infinite and i prefer death”


Jish said...

wow, what a story!!!
can i steal it please? :)

but seriously, you gotta admit something; this pain that you got now; isn't it the best kinda pain you get-'the pain of longing' ?

gypsy said...

dont steal it juz take it .mind takin tat pain too