Tuesday, June 24, 2008

party cinema and gettin pissed off

i got lost in a marriage function,not my way of spendin a day but then when its jazz whos invited me i just cant say no,started from our ancestral home wit a bus full and day b4 that was quite a enjoyable one ,me ,my nieces and nephews had a small party with tattu dosa ,rasa vada and omlete ,played chess wit farzu quite a tube light she is ,well it was fun.the previous day Farhan came up wit the idea of goin for dasavatharam ,we planned for the second show at kaliyakavilai ,news spread like wild fire everyone wanted to come .i knew i wudnt be able handle this alone so pulled in my cousin ,he was ok wit the idea and we did watch the movie takin the AC box 15 of us kids went ga ga and started over reacting,well the movie was ok tatz all i wish to say.if kamal is serious abt good cinema then he sud rope in serious directors fine who am i to comment on that.on the other side am gettin pissed of by my source wish he cud understand others feelings.

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