Friday, June 20, 2008


The sound of Zikr from bose the forgotten hero by ARR have become some kind of an addiction to me nowdays ,after that tooth brush incident i have made sure that i take good care of my other accessories too .with a bad cough and irritating chest filled with disgusting mucus i went on to get my first pankaja kasturi.Atlast i might get my driving license ,its been years that i have been without one.

Wow watta composition Bose –the forgotten hero ,sad that the movie did not do well.i just love the way each track has been decorated with some outta word arrangements ,trumpets ,obe ,strings and percussion .me nota religious person but i have been singing the zikr track as if i am possessed ,i feel as if am a sufi saint .

I was wonderin y ,y should i do this blog and then i came up with the answer “i need to fight myself out of a few bad qualities that i have never considered bad for me”,,,Faith is wat makes the world go round and round ,and this 5 letter word is what i dont have Faith in any thing even in me .Few say its God hmmmmm i need to stick to something real soon but i need it to be so personal cuz religion ,god and spirituality is so personal

zikr hai behatar nafarat se
zikr hai behatar Gafalat se
zikr hai behatar hujjat se
zikr hai behatar Giibat se
(Zikr is better than hatred)
(Zikr is better than carelessness)
(Zikr is better than disobediance)
(Zikr is better than saying bad things)

zikr aman hai,
zikr hai fatah,
zikr shifaa hai,
zikr hai dawaa
(zikr is peace.
zikr is Victory.
zikr is Healing.
zikr is the Cure)

so then watz Zikr?
Sounds like a cool word. Zikr, looks pretty neat in Arabic script.Zikr, according to the book Fiqh-Us-Sunnah by Sheik Sayyed As Sabeeq, mentions that, "All words of praise and glory to Allah, extolling His Perfect Attributes of Power and Majesty, Beauty and Sublimeness, whether one utters them by tongue or says them silently in one's heart, are known as Zikr or remembrance of Allah

hmmmm well thatz for to day ,hope i could do some Zikr .


Jish said...

hmm, so that's where i got my cough from. You.
i've never heard songs from this particular movie about Bose.
Gotta check them out this weekend.

gypsy said...

so i did bluetooth tat song for u and did u hear it ? any itch?